Evangelistic Series / Sauniga...
These Messages are a part of the Evangelistic outreach of So.S.F. Samoan Seventh Day Adventist Church. A tatou vaavaai i lo tatou lalolagi i le taimi nei, e foliga mai ua i ai fa'afitauli le ma'alofia i soo se mea, o loo i ai i latou o e fa'atupu fa'alavelave e oo i le oti, o taua, ma le tu'inanau po'o le mana'o tele o i latou o e pulea kamupani tetele. O loo matua fa'amanino mai e le Tusi Paia o loo pulea pea e le Atua mea uma, ma ua na'o lea e mafai ai ona tatou maua le to'a-filemu, ma aumaia le fa'aolataga mo lenei lalolagi ua tumu i fa'afitauli ma puapuaga. E valaulia oe mo le lua vaiaso mo le su'esu'eina fa'apitoa o le afioga a le Atua i mata'upu tau le valoaga o le Tusi Paia. O le faia lea i le Malumalu o le Ekalesia Asofitu o le Toe Afio Mai Samoa i South San Francisco. O ia feau o le a aumaia fa'apitoa lea e le Susuga a le Fa'afeagaiga ia Manuao Maui'a. Susu mai ma ou alo, e matagofie polokalame faapitoa mo le fanau i po ta'itasi saunia e Sondra Maae & Young Laolagi. E talia ma le fiafia soo se tasi. Fa'afetai Looking around our world today it would seem that chaos is everywhere with terrorism, war and corporate greed. The Bible assures us that God is still in control and that you can help to bring to peace and salvation to this troubled world. Join Us for 2 weeks of special messages and bible studies on the topic of Bible Prophecy at the Sanctuary of the SoSF Samoan SDA Church. Messages will be delivered by Pastor Manuao P. Mauia and every night a Special Children's program will be held in the hall by Sondra Maae and Young Laolagi. All are welcome.
Date Podcasts Presenter 2012-03-16 When God Called Y... Pastor Manuao Mauia 2012-03-16 The Health Reform... Pastor Manuao Mauia 2012-03-15 Where are the dea... Pastor Manuao Mauia -
Hymns / Song Service
Congregational singing and Song Service (Praise team)
Date Podcasts Presenter 2009-11-06 Avea Atoa mo Oe (... So.S.F. Samoan Ch... 2009-11-20 Talitonu ma Usita... So.S.F. Church 2009-11-06 E Ma'eu le Malie ... So.S.F.Church -
Pese Faapitoa/Special Music (...
Date Podcasts Presenter 2012-02-15 Ua Pei se Kitara ... SSF Samoan SDA Choir 2010-02-08 E malie ma lelei ... 2009-11-06 E lelei O mea Uma So.S.F. Samoan Au...